Waiver Options

Don't find the answer about your online waiver that you're looking for? Email us at support@webwaiver.com with any other questions.

Waiver Details

Waiver Title

This title will display at the top of your waiver form

Web Site Link

Show web site link at the top of the waiver form

Thank You Text

After your form is submitted, this text will display on the Thank You screen

Next Form Text

After your form is submitted, this text will display on a button to take the next customer to fill out the form

Next Form Action

When Next Form is clicked, you can serve up the form again, or direct your customer to a new URL, such as your web site

Signature Options

Digital Signature Option

If enabled, your form will include a digital signature pad for your visitor to sign when submitting this waiver. An additional flat fee per month applies if this is enabled.

Storage Options

Keep Waivers

By default, we store your submitted waivers for you indefinitely. Alternately, you can specify a time interval for your submitted waivers to expire. Submitted waivers that expire are purged from our system.

Other Options


Enter an email address here to be notified every time a waiver is submitted.

Mailchimp Option

With MailChimp integration enabled, email addresses on submitted waivers will be automatically subscribed to your MailChimp Lists. With MailChimp, you can setup automatic MailChimp Welcome emails for new subscribers. An additional flat fee per month applies if this is enabled.